The 25th Annual BareBones Halloween Extravaganza
Co-Directors: Malia Araki Burkhart & Tara Fahey
October 20, 21, 26, 28, 31 · 2018
"In reckoning with history and its embodiment in our own lives, we must be courageous in our vulnerability. As we move forward with willingness to understand the complexities of these stories more deeply, we increase our empathy through the growing of compassion for ourselves and each other."
- Co-Directors

Ancestors. This is a theme that we chose as co-directors, coming into the process of collaboratively dreaming and creating this year’s Halloween Show.
From Malia Araki Burkhart
In exploring the theme of “Ancestors” to create this show, we have listened to each others’ stories. I am grateful for the ways our process emerged, creating themes that describe the many complex relationships we have to our ancestors. Some people were new to thinking about their ancestors at all. Some people have a practice of speaking to them every day. Some experienced separation, abandonment, or rejection by their families. Some had a close and beloved connection to a particular ancestor. Some community members expressed feelings of lineage and kinship with people who are unrelated by blood, finding a sense of belonging through shared identity, including queerness, belonging to movements for justice and healing, or through teacher/student relationship. The art that has arisen to express these themes is beautiful, evocative, poetic, and magical. Thank you all for the opportunity to work with you in this real and powerful way.
From Tara Fahey
In walking toward the path of co-director this year, a need for Ancestor focus resounded. With struggles and trials daily, the need for guidance and strength - deep listening and grounded presence is required of us all. Ancestors provide an anchor for this work. I am grateful for the shared resonance and reverence to Ancestor energy with co-director Malia.
When there is so much intensity, as entrenched patterns no longer serve us and are breaking apart, may new visions have room to grow and stretch possibilities of healing in community, family, city, and country. A shout out of thanks to beloved community as we wrestle with next steps, for we need connection. In witnessing the way things work,through intention,to come together, we honor and give gratitude to ancestors, for our roots and heart.
From Tara Fahey and Malia Araki Burkhart
In reckoning with history and its embodiment in our own lives, we must be courageous in our vulnerability. As we move forward with willingness to understand the complexities of these stories more deeply, we increase our empathy through the growing of compassion for ourselves and each other. It is time to heal the wounds left by centuries of injustice; and take action to dismantle these patterns and systems of oppression. It is time to honor the lineage of ancestors whose work we build upon today -- those who met the hardships and injustices of their time with resistance, love, and courage. We celebrate their lives and learn from their example. We call upon their strength and their resilience, to show up in this moment of history and do the work of our generation.
Culture-Shifting Work
Last year, through the audience survey, there was a call for more action around inclusivity. As a result of that, measures were put forward to work as a community on issues of radical empathy, racial bias, skills for emotional processing and mediation-support for community and staff. More information and donations towards these efforts for this year and future years’ work can be found here.
Go far enough towards the trunk on the tree of life and we are all related. We imagine mummies growing roots and we raise a gathering of soul-keeper portraits to witness our proceedings.
1. Migration/Colonization
We are exploring the displacement, colonization, and forced migrations, across generations, for humans, plants, and animals. From our roots we can trace both our interconnectedness and the separate paths of our ancestors.
2. Fog
As we find ourselves stuck in a moment of nowhere, moving through the mist, we search for stories and connections that have been lost or hidden. We call on the magic of our Queer Ancestors - the Keepers of the In-Between - to help guide us through the chaos of liminal space. During the Calling of the Names, we take time as a community (audience and performers alike) to call out the names of our beloved dead - both known, and unknown.
3. Intergeneration/Regeneration
We explore the traumas that get passed down and the traumas that we hold in our bodies, the ways we get stuck in patterns. Through our ancestors and our community there are different ways we find resilience and healing, breaking free and becoming more fully ourselves.
4. Chosen Family
Like a river a family creates and it destroys. It carries things away and brings them back together again. We find our chosen family through shared resiliency and stories when the river’s current becomes too hard for us to bear.
A seed learns to grow wherever it may land, searching for what to embrace and what to push away.
It takes more volunteers than bones in the human body to produce the Annual BareBones Halloween Puppet Extravaganza. A roar of “Thank you, all!” to the following known volunteers, collaborators, and supporters of all kind, plus all those unnamed excellent others who helped to create the 25th Annual BareBones Halloween Puppet Extravaganza.
Alex Blust, Alex Eninsche, Alin Swanson, Allison Osberg, Amber Moore, Anber Norfolk, Ambrose Morson, Andrea Wakely, Andy kadel, Andy Lapham, Angela North, Angie Courchaine, Anna Ruhland, Arlo Beckman, Arwen Wilder, Avery RB, Barbra P, Becca Gibson, Beth Kraus, Brian Brugioni, Caleb, Caitie Ryan, Caitlin, Caitlin Dippa, Cameran Phillips, Christine kuge, Colin Susman, CiCi Yixuan, Daniel Polsfuss, Danny Sigelman, David Senn, Deb koepsell, Devan Monan, Dillon, Drew Dietle, Ellie, Email Vmentim, Emily cashel, Eric Escher, Eva, Eva Adderiey, Eve Gliuden, Evelyn Strumbon, Ewart M., Finley, Gabriel Rovinma, Georgia langer, Greg Leierwood, Greyson Maria, Hannah Mississippi, Heather Hiririchsen, Hope grathorl., Huechee Yang, Huk, Izzie Indrieden, Jeanette Macan, Jeff Adams, Jessica Hauson, Joanna Paggett, Joni Gniff, Jonny Holupclinsti, Jose, Josh Torkelson, JP Pizrro, Jugi Kumaladevi, Julia Brokah, Justice Jones, Justin Singlly, Kathryn Ladig, Kathy Mollner, Katie Kirschbaum, Katrina Matejcik, Kim Keen, Kim Keen, Kristi Ternes, KT Glusac, Kurt Seaberg, Lana joy, Laura L, Laura L, Liz Buhmann, MAD Lenaburg, Marcla, Marian, Marryana Harstad, Mary jo, Max Haynes, Michael Hulburt, Mina Magenta, Mitchal Peterson, Mo Jawadi, Nara Rickey, Nay taye, Naye Taye, Nell Nere, Nic McUrstad, Olaf mekit, Orin Rubin, Paol Weig, Patty Girle, Paul Weig, Peter Zeftel, Raman Morris, Rand Willock, Randy A, Randy Amenta, Rawh, Remus MAD, Rewant, Richard, Richard p, Richard Parnell, Richard Parnell, Rick Miller, Rick miller, Sam Snacks, Sandra, Sandy Spieler, Sarah Larsson, Scotty Reynolds, Sean clements, Sean Deneen, Shana Dill, Sharron Dill, Sidney Nicolas, Signe Peterson, Skyler H, Skyler H., Sonja Harris, Terry McDaniel, Theresa Linnihan, Timothy Bruce, Tommy Bieganek, Vatina Mclarrin, Waffle, Will Direnfield, Will Dohert, Yarrow B., Zena The Warrior, Zephyr Bulera
BareBones extends our deepest thanks to all our community for your donations. We’d like to extend a special thank you to our donors who have given in advance of the show, whose donations represent a shared faith in the common good of public art.
Alexandra Ecklund, Andrew Arsham, Ann Longfellow, Anne Cross, Arlie Davis, Barbara Peterson, Barbara Shelton, Becky Fillinger, Ben Jacobson, Bruce Ohnstad, Carol and Dennis Hove, Chris and Sue Eidem, Christina Beck, Christine Gamm, Christine Hammes, Ewart Martens and Mary Fulton, Frank and Raquel Wood, Gregory Huonder, Jennifer Allan, Jonathan Crain, Jonathan Townsend, Journey Gosselin, Julie Andrus, Kurt Seaberg, Kurtis and Kathy Hunter, Margaret Barbis, Nathan Mitchell, Noah Simcox, Rick and Diane Miller, Stefan Thrust, Stephen and Christine Clemens, Sue Hass and Michael Sommers, Tara Fahey, Tim, Carl, and Jean Garbarini, Tom Snell, Virginia Brown, William Eisert.
Special Gift Recognition
For many years, two remarkably generous donors have given a major financial gift each Fall to support BareBones’ Annual Halloween Outdoor Puppet Extravaganza. We truly honor Joan and Frank (Pancho) Safford of Evanston, Illinois, for their selfless support of outdoor spectacle performance in the Twin Cities. Thank You Joan and Pancho!
Special Thanks!
To the following collaborating, cooperating, and supporting organizations who helped make the 25th Annual BareBones Halloween Puppet Extravaganza possible.
- Acroyoga
- Action Auto
- Aira Luna
- Andrew Bendzick and the Fire Safety Crew
- Avalon Healing Farm
- Bad Dog Antiques
- Bedlam Theatre
- Biff’s Portopotties
- Brass & Body Works
- Brass Messengers
- Bread and Puppet
- Bryant Lake Restaurants Inc
- Budget Truck Rental
- Can Can Wonderland
- Center for Moving Cultures
- Chicks on Sticks
- Chuck Dollar
- City of St. Paul
- City Wide Artists
- Conflict Resolution Center
- Cycles for Change
- D&D Service
- Devata Daun
- Dirty Romance Novels
- East Lake Craft Brewery
- Firefly Credit Union
- Free Wheel Bike
- Gaia Democratic School
- Green Barn Garden Center
- Hardtimes Cafe
- HeartBorne Mediation
- Hiawatha Reddy Rents
- House of Balls
- Ile Orunmila Edan
- In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre
- Indeed Brewing Company
- Infiammati Fire Circus
- Iya Adelabu Fakoya (Amoke Kubat)
- Jack Brass Band
- Jazmin
- Jazzland Wonderband
- Jim Danielson & Ariel Inc
- Julian Mcfaul
- Jeanne Evenson
- Matchbox Coffee
- May Day Café
- Merchandise Tent
- Mike Harris
- Mike Handley
- Minnesota Conway Fire & Safety
- Mixed Precipitation
- Moon Palace Books
- Mu Performing Arts
- New French Bakery
- Nice Ride MN
- North Star Media
- Northern Sun Merchandising
- On Site Sanitation
- Palmers Bar
- Peace Coffee
- PolsFussianPictures
- Powderhorn Feed Co.
- Puppet Farm
- Purimetrics, Inc.
- Quality Propane
- Rah Diavola
- Rosa
- Savers
- Seward Cafe
- Seward Co-op
- Seward Redesign
- Sgt. Pamela Barragan
- Sisters’ Camelot
- Smart Set
- Southside Family School
- Springboard for the Arts
- S.R. Harris
- St. Paul Parks and Rec
- Tasty Lighting Supply
- Tempeh Tantrum
- The Big Blue Box
- The City of St. Paul
- The Fire Lotus LLC
- The Grow Fangs
- The Medical Professionals at the First-Aid Tent
- The Twin Cities Puppeteers
- Tony Biele
- Vern’s Dumpster Rental Inc.
- Warner Stellian
- Welna Ace Hardware