The Twenty-first Annual BareBones Halloween Outdoor Puppet Extravaganza
Co-Directors: Madeline Helling · Willow Cordes-Eklund
October 25, 26, 30, 31, November 1, 2014
Many hands go into making this show happen. We send thanks to the countless volunteers, artistic team, techies and musicians, all those who came clean and left with paper mache on their hands and paint in their hair. Big hugs to all those involved in this labor of love - for your time and energy, your creative drive, for taking this show deeper and making it relevant. It is a joy and an honor to collaborate with this warm and welcoming BareBones family. And to learn and grow together in this community while we walk this journey. Thank you for creating a healthy space to share what is heavy in our hearts.

Metamorphosoup is an emotional investigation of the process of loss - loss of community through conflict, loss of a loved one by death and loss of oneself as we flow through grieving. We mourn the violence, conflict, ill distribution of resources and loss that has splintered our communities and disintegrated the process of growth. Like a volcano we erupt in raw, fiery anguish. A wave of water memory carries us through our past - the hopes and dreams generated from a time before. It reflects our wounds and the isolated experiences that collectively create our more complex selves. It floods us with the knowledge of eternity before us and the wild energy that makes up this point in time. From this fluid state we move onto a more solid footing on the earth. The spirits of our journey remind us that we are but a speck in time in the lifespan of a rock and carry the energy needed to cultivate growth. We bring the elements needed to morph into a new self onto center stage. A new self emerges, one that rises up and does not fall from the experiences of life. Thank you all who have come to share in this experience with us. Your support and continued dedication to this ceremony is what makes this show happen. We hope you enjoy the show and please join us for soup from Sister's Camelot after the performance. Thank you Sister's Camelot for being an integral part of bringing community together and warming us with soup for so many years.
Thank You to the Cast and Crew of Metamorphosoup
Thank you to all known Aerialists, Artists, Board Members, Builders, Carpenters, Choreographers, Cooks, Coordinators, Dancers, Directors, Editors, Fire Performers, First-Aid Providers, Fundraisers, Graphic Designers, Kid Wranglers, Kitchen Hands, Lighting Designers, Managers, Musicians, Organizers, Painters, Papier-Mache Hands, Parking Lot Hands, Photographers, Police Officers, Performers, Puppeteers, Riggers, Site Hands, Sound Engineers, Stage Hands, Stilters, Storyboarders, Ushers, Videographers, Visiting Artists, Writers and various Helpers, Collaborators, and Supporters of all kinds, plus another dozen or two unable-to-be-printed Excellent Others all helped to create the 21st Annual Halloween Outdoor Puppet Extravaganza.
- TC Daily Planet story 10/26/14
- MPR News interview 10/30/14
Special Thanks
to the Following Collaborating, Cooperating, and Supporting Organizations and Key Individuals Who Helped Make Possible the 2014 Halloween Extravaganza:
- Bedlam Theatre, Minneapolis: John Bueche, Maren Ward, and Ian Knodel (Kitchen Equipment & Lighting Equipment On-Loan, Strike Party Venue)
- The Big Blue Box, Minneapolis: Charlie Longbella (Container Rental)
- Brass Messengers: Ryan Billig (Audience Reception Band)
- City of St. Paul Department of Safety & Inspections: David Bergman, Fire Inspector and Phil Owens, Assistant Fire Marshall, Dan Moynihan, Chief Electrical Inspector (Fireworks/Pyrotechnic Display Permit, Propane Permit, Generator Grounding Permit & Inspection)
- City of St. Paul Division of Parks & Recreation: Stacy Williams, Citywide Special Events Coordinator, Cindy Morrison, Park Permit Office, Terri Timmons, Buck Johnson & Diane Voyden, Park Maintenance (Large Event/Community Festival Permit, Security Arrangements, Performance Site Maintenance, Logistical Arrangements, Special Arrangements)
- City of St. Paul Police Department Community Services Division, Sgt. Stacy Sanborn,Cdr. John Loyoza: Block Party & Community Festival Permit, Volunteer Uniformed SPPD Traffic Officers, Contract Off-Duty SPPD Uniformed Officers)
- Community Gardeners, Minneapolis: Ila Duntemann (Straw Bale Re-Use)
- First-Aid Tent: Jason Colvin (EMT), Nick Aguirre (First-Aid Stand-By)
- Hiawatha Reddy Rents, Minneapolis (Truck Rental)
- In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, Minneapolis: Sandy Spieler, Loren Niemi (Rehearsal space, Curtain and Lighting Equipment Loan)
- Legal Ledger Printing Services, Minneapolis: Bill Wolfe, Louie (Tabloid Program Printing)
- Leuer Farms, Corcoran: Peter Leuer (Straw Bale Seating)
- Merchandise Tent: Maryanna Harstad, Mina Leierwood, Tara Fahey, Munir Kahar, and Janet Groenert (BareBones Recycled T-Shirt Printing, Merch Tent Logistics and Sales)
- Minnesota Conway Fire & Safety, St. Paul: Bill & Steve Anderson, Debbie Bultman (Fire Extinguishers On-Loan)
- Nonprofit Insurance Advisors, St. Paul: Andrew Morse, Cindy Yang (General Liability and Umbrella Liability Insurance (Policies and Certificates)
- On Site Sanitation, St. Paul: Christine Dunn (Portolet Rental)
- PostNet - Highland Village, St. Paul: Matt Danko, Emily, and crew (Halloween Letter, Posters)
- Quality Propane/Quality Power, Burnsville: Rob Smith, Ted Ewing, Russ Head (Power Generators, Music Tent Heater)
- Sabri Properties: Basim Sabri (Build Site Donation)
- Sherwood Tree Care: Aidan Blank (Aerialist and Equipment & Rigging)
- Sisters' Camelot, Minneapolis: Clive North, Eric Gooden, and crew (Cast & Crew Hospitality Food Donation, Propane Cylinders On-Loan, Audience Reception Catering)
- Siwek Lumber, Minneapolis: Tom Siwek (Lumber and Building Materials Donation)
- Smart Set, Minneapolis: Kevin Brown (Postcards)
- Stones Throw Farm (Food Donation)
- The Poor Nobodys (Audience Reception Band)