The 8th Annual BareBones Halloween Extravaganza
October 29, 30, 31, 2001
At the time the largest pageant to-date, "Petrafied" was staged in Theodore Wirth Park, Minneapolis.
Something is wrong in the Court of the Dead. The King of the Dead is tricked into eating the Seed of Life and vomits a magical baby's head that devours everything in sight. As it grows larger and louder, the Court tries everything it can to get rid of the child until Earth herself reaches out with gigantic arms and swallows all.
Cast and Crew: Trevor Adams · Amy Ballestad · Jessica Braun-Ferris · Willis Bowman · Shelley Chinander · Crystalline Ruby Muse · Brent Harring · Alison Heimstead · Soozin Hirschmugl · Julian McFaul · Daniel Polnau · Mark Safford · Douglas Saldana · Jebediah Wilson
Have a memory you'd like to share about this show? Use the comments box below. If you were involved in this production, but don't see your name and would like it listed, send us a message from our Contact page. Thanks!
This activity is made possible, in part, by funds provided by the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council from an appropriation by the Minnesota Legislature.
Wasn’t this the show with the giant baby head that came flying down the hill!